He started off charging $50. A wk later he wanted to intensify the spell for $350 but would take $170. I told him to keep $$ &cancel spell. He called me &recorded the convo while putting words in my mouth.
He threatened to use recording to expose me to my husband & FB if I didn’t give him $5K in e-cards. He didn’t get $ so he called my husband. We hired investigator& called police
Bayou Custom Spells Reviews
He started off charging $50. A wk later he wanted to intensify the spell for $350 but would take $170. I told him to keep $$ &cancel spell. He called me &recorded the convo while putting words in my mouth.
He threatened to use recording to expose me to my husband & FB if I didn’t give him $5K in e-cards. He didn’t get $ so he called my husband. We hired investigator& called police