Editor’s note: we thank our users for considering scamion as a source for information and providing warnings to the general public. That being said, sometimes, after a review of the text, our team will determine that the content filed by an author appears to be serious in nature and is therefore perceived to be questionable and, as such, the report posting is placed on hold for further investigation prior to publishing or is otherwise flagged after publication and is placed into a review bin. If and when report postings are flagged for these types of issues, especially when there are specific serious criminal allegations, we may, as we did here, add this warning.
Our terms of service require that information posted be truthful and not defamatory and we are in no position to determine what information is true or false; the author affirms the truth of a posting prior to posting. We understand that allegations made by an author may very well be true, and we respect an author’s right to free speech, but in order for the information to be published once it has been flagged, or for the information to be later once flagged after prior publication, scamion may ask the author to provide some form of explanation or documentation to support their position.
Depending on the circumstances, if the author fails to respond or timely provide adequate notification, at the sole discretion of scamion , the report may be considered “incomplete” and may not be approved or may be to remove the serious allegations or otherwise perceived questionable content from the report and any postings thereto that mention such information – more for the purposes of making sure the author is standing behind their report as we are not a judge and jury to determine the accuracy of evidence. Redactions below may be due to the author’s failure to adhere to our terms of service and/or because the author failed to timely respond with an appropriate response to our inquiry.
Consumers: proceed with caution when reviewing and relying on the subject report postingS) below as it may be false and/or misleading. It is highly encouraged that you conduct additional research, from credible sources, before making any determination on whether or not to do business with the named individualS) or businessEs).
Pleased to see such efforts? You can help scamion combat these types of issues: scamion , as resources allow, is working towards combating cyberharassment, cyberstalking, cyberbullying and/or other problems such as what is generically called “revenge posts” that can be riddled with personal commentary and/or allegations that can be serious. scamion would love to be able to timely address each and every review request we receive, however, this takes resources. If you think this is a worthwhile endeavor, we encourage you to make a donation so that we can expand the resources that we can devote to this project. You can make a non-tax deductible donation by visiting our donate to our efforts page and clicking on the paypal icon near the bottom of the page. The more resources we have, the more resources we can devote to this project and other forward thinking and positive initiatives like it.
====== now to the original report posted =======
I have been very patient waiting on steve or anyone at his office to get back to me. I am now in contact with an enforcement officer for the sec and will be pursuing legal action to get this resolved. If you are currently dealing with the same issues please reach out to me so we can partner up to go after these guys.
Right now i just want my money back without charging them for holding my cash for 9 months. I will be making a trip to plano texas to get this straightened out tomorrow. They have yet to answer any of my calls, i will keep everyone updated as the process progresses.
Do not send bass energy or steve bass any money!!!!! they are fraudulant crooks!!!!
Bass Energy Exploration Reviews
Editor’s note: we thank our users for considering scamion as a source for information and providing warnings to the general public. That being said, sometimes, after a review of the text, our team will determine that the content filed by an author appears to be serious in nature and is therefore perceived to be questionable and, as such, the report posting is placed on hold for further investigation prior to publishing or is otherwise flagged after publication and is placed into a review bin. If and when report postings are flagged for these types of issues, especially when there are specific serious criminal allegations, we may, as we did here, add this warning.
Our terms of service require that information posted be truthful and not defamatory and we are in no position to determine what information is true or false; the author affirms the truth of a posting prior to posting. We understand that allegations made by an author may very well be true, and we respect an author’s right to free speech, but in order for the information to be published once it has been flagged, or for the information to be later once flagged after prior publication, scamion may ask the author to provide some form of explanation or documentation to support their position.
Depending on the circumstances, if the author fails to respond or timely provide adequate notification, at the sole discretion of scamion , the report may be considered “incomplete” and may not be approved or may be to remove the serious allegations or otherwise perceived questionable content from the report and any postings thereto that mention such information – more for the purposes of making sure the author is standing behind their report as we are not a judge and jury to determine the accuracy of evidence. Redactions below may be due to the author’s failure to adhere to our terms of service and/or because the author failed to timely respond with an appropriate response to our inquiry.
Consumers: proceed with caution when reviewing and relying on the subject report postingS) below as it may be false and/or misleading. It is highly encouraged that you conduct additional research, from credible sources, before making any determination on whether or not to do business with the named individualS) or businessEs).
Pleased to see such efforts? You can help scamion combat these types of issues: scamion , as resources allow, is working towards combating cyberharassment, cyberstalking, cyberbullying and/or other problems such as what is generically called “revenge posts” that can be riddled with personal commentary and/or allegations that can be serious. scamion would love to be able to timely address each and every review request we receive, however, this takes resources. If you think this is a worthwhile endeavor, we encourage you to make a donation so that we can expand the resources that we can devote to this project. You can make a non-tax deductible donation by visiting our donate to our efforts page and clicking on the paypal icon near the bottom of the page. The more resources we have, the more resources we can devote to this project and other forward thinking and positive initiatives like it.
====== now to the original report posted =======
I have been very patient waiting on steve or anyone at his office to get back to me. I am now in contact with an enforcement officer for the sec and will be pursuing legal action to get this resolved. If you are currently dealing with the same issues please reach out to me so we can partner up to go after these guys.
Right now i just want my money back without charging them for holding my cash for 9 months. I will be making a trip to plano texas to get this straightened out tomorrow. They have yet to answer any of my calls, i will keep everyone updated as the process progresses.
Do not send bass energy or steve bass any money!!!!! they are fraudulant crooks!!!!