I want to tell all hermes lovers, beware of bababebi.com or dimity giles. She is a cheater. I bought a birkin 30 etoupe togo leather bag from an ebay reseller, i get it authenticate by bababebi.com, whose real name is dimity giles. She stated my purchase bag is fake. After 1 week of authenticate, she came to me wanted to sell an authentic hermes birkin 30 mimosa yellow crocodile bag with very good price. I trust her as many people in forum said she is reputable authenticator. I make payment to her, and she sends me the bag.
After that my friend vitoria, who is hermes bag collector, warning me that bababebi is a fake bag reseller. Then i bring my 2 bags to paris hermes boutique to check, hermes paris told me that my birkin 30 mimosa yellow crocodile skin bag that i bought from bababebi is non-authentic Fake). Instead my birkin 30 etoupe togo leather bag is authentic. I go back to her asking for refund, bababebi argue and do not want to make refund to me. I want to warn all hermes lover to avoid dealing with bababebi.com, whose real name is “dimity giles”. And do not trust any hermes authenticator in forum, they are fake bag reseller on the back side with the name “hermes authenticator” on the front side. They do not hold any qualification on hermes authentication, but they claim themselves as ‘qualified hermes authenticator”. Please beware. They cheated my 48000 usd for fake hermes bag.
Babebebi and her husband are fake bag seller. Please be aware. Below is their website and facebook.
Bababebi.com Reviews
I want to tell all hermes lovers, beware of bababebi.com or dimity giles. She is a cheater. I bought a birkin 30 etoupe togo leather bag from an ebay reseller, i get it authenticate by bababebi.com, whose real name is dimity giles. She stated my purchase bag is fake. After 1 week of authenticate, she came to me wanted to sell an authentic hermes birkin 30 mimosa yellow crocodile bag with very good price. I trust her as many people in forum said she is reputable authenticator. I make payment to her, and she sends me the bag.
After that my friend vitoria, who is hermes bag collector, warning me that bababebi is a fake bag reseller. Then i bring my 2 bags to paris hermes boutique to check, hermes paris told me that my birkin 30 mimosa yellow crocodile skin bag that i bought from bababebi is non-authentic Fake). Instead my birkin 30 etoupe togo leather bag is authentic. I go back to her asking for refund, bababebi argue and do not want to make refund to me. I want to warn all hermes lover to avoid dealing with bababebi.com, whose real name is “dimity giles”. And do not trust any hermes authenticator in forum, they are fake bag reseller on the back side with the name “hermes authenticator” on the front side. They do not hold any qualification on hermes authentication, but they claim themselves as ‘qualified hermes authenticator”. Please beware. They cheated my 48000 usd for fake hermes bag.
Babebebi and her husband are fake bag seller. Please be aware. Below is their website and facebook.
Website: www.Bababebi.com
Facebook: www.Facebook.com/bababebiofficialpage/