I want to tell all Hermes lovers, beware of Bababebi.com or Dimity Giles. She is a cheater. I bought a Birkin 30 Etoupe Togo leather bag from an ebay reseller, I get it authenticate by Bababebi.com, whose real name is Dimity Giles. She stated my purchase bag is fake.
After 1 week of Authenticate, she came to me wanted to sell an Authentic Hermes Birkin 30 Mimosa yellow Crocodile bag with very good price. I trust her as many people in forum said she is reputable Authenticator. I make payment to her, and she sends me the bag.
After that my friend Vitoria, who is Hermes bag collector, warning me that Bababebi is a fake bag reseller. Then I bring my 2 bags to Paris Hermes Boutique to check, Hermes Paris told me that my Birkin 30 Mimosa yellow Crocodile skin bag that I bought from Bababebi is Non-Authentic (fake). Instead my Birkin 30 Etoupe Togo leather bag is Authentic.
Bababebi - Authentication Services Reviews
I want to tell all Hermes lovers, beware of Bababebi.com or Dimity Giles. She is a cheater. I bought a Birkin 30 Etoupe Togo leather bag from an ebay reseller, I get it authenticate by Bababebi.com, whose real name is Dimity Giles. She stated my purchase bag is fake.
After 1 week of Authenticate, she came to me wanted to sell an Authentic Hermes Birkin 30 Mimosa yellow Crocodile bag with very good price. I trust her as many people in forum said she is reputable Authenticator. I make payment to her, and she sends me the bag.
After that my friend Vitoria, who is Hermes bag collector, warning me that Bababebi is a fake bag reseller. Then I bring my 2 bags to Paris Hermes Boutique to check, Hermes Paris told me that my Birkin 30 Mimosa yellow Crocodile skin bag that I bought from Bababebi is Non-Authentic (fake). Instead my Birkin 30 Etoupe Togo leather bag is Authentic.