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B. Ralph Landscape and Design

Country Canada
City Richmond, Ontario
Phone 613-978-5200

B. Ralph Landscape and Design Reviews

Most Useful Comment
  • Sep 10, 2015
  • 1 2 3 4 5

The owner of B. Ralph Landscape and Design, Brandon Ralph, bought a trailer from our customer. He's never been a customer and we did not meet him until the day he came in, demanding free services & supplies or else...he was so hot-headed, yelling at us & not letting us even speak. The sort of "is this really happening?"?? moment.

That got ridiculous until we asked him to leave the property. Before he did, he got into his car, spun the car as fast as it would go, on gravel, hurling rocks like bullets everywhere. There were people outside. Also an innocent, defenseless dog tied up who could not run away like the people could.

We have an automotive repair shop and car dealership. Brandon Ralph gave no consideration to our customers or our property, during this assault, displaying the most violent act of vandalism we have ever seen live. He easily could have hurt or killed a person or animal.

This warning is to consumers that this business has no respect for the safety of others nor property.

Mark as Useful [1 vote]
  • Sep 24, 2015
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B.Ralph Landscape and Design

As a repeat customer of B.Ralph Landscape and Design, it's hard to believe there is any validity to the scathing report on My experience has been nothing other than phenomenal service, fantastic results on time and a delightful gentleman to deal with. All interactions with Brandon have been enjoyable, professional and it's clear we were dealing with someone who has experience, integrity, and a lot of common sense and people skills. Any of the reference checks we did in advance of securing Brandon's services were very positive and customers were very pleased. There is reason we have hired him more than once! What is described is clearly not what we experienced and perhaps not an accurate reflection of the actual events. Would be nice to know the company that submitted the report to see what their track record is like.

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