Do not use this company. They will prepare a report that is not accredited and insurance companies will not accept. They'll promise you a refund if you don't not receive an accepted diminished Value claim, but when you request a refund they will deny the refund. This is a scam, Monica is rude and will not communicate with you in a timely manner. I PAYED $300 AND MY DIMINISHED VALUE CLAIM WAS DENIED AND THEY REFUSED TO GIVE ME A REFUND.Save yourself the money and disappointment! #SCAM
On April 13 I paid Autoloss $275 to recover money for diminished value of a brand new 2015 Acura TLX that was rear-ended and cost $17,200 to repair. I was told I had a very good case, and the representative, Monica Fisher, promised in writing to refund the mone if she was unable to recover any money from USAA Insurnce Company.
She was unable to recover any money, and on June 18 sent me an email that she would refund the $275. I have contacted her on two occasions via phone an email. She has not responded to me since June 18.
Don't waste your time with Autoloss. They give the impression that you will get a huge settlement and a lot out of them-until you pay them. After that, I'm pretty sure their policy is to give you the absolute minimum amount of their time as possible-if you get a full 20 minutes out of them, you're probably way above average. Claimed my DV was $7000 and I should get 80-90% of that. But using Autoloss DV manual and correspondence they provide, resulted in an offer no better than $750. And this was over the course of at least 3 months. Of course, Autoloss heavily implies that I'm doing something wrong with Their process - it absolutely isn't anything wrong with their method. Yeah, right! It isn't like they take the time to even remember who you are when you talk to or email them. All you get it very generic responses that really just prolong the frustrating process to get you a tiny offer, that the insurance company hopes will be enough to make you go away. The letters they give you to send to the insurance company are full of errors and contain the details from the last customer - it is absolutely on you to edit & fix these things. Autoloss provides zero communication with the Insurance company. That is all on you and you will absolutely work harder on it than Autoloss will. I have no idea how they have even a single positive review and I wish I would have paid more attention to the the negative reviews before I decided to use their services. Absolutely pursue a DV claim on your car. Just use a company that has Zero negative reviews. They are out there. Reviews
Do not use this company. They will prepare a report that is not accredited and insurance companies will not accept. They'll promise you a refund if you don't not receive an accepted diminished Value claim, but when you request a refund they will deny the refund. This is a scam, Monica is rude and will not communicate with you in a timely manner. I PAYED $300 AND MY DIMINISHED VALUE CLAIM WAS DENIED AND THEY REFUSED TO GIVE ME A REFUND.Save yourself the money and disappointment! #SCAM
On April 13 I paid Autoloss $275 to recover money for diminished value of a brand new 2015 Acura TLX that was rear-ended and cost $17,200 to repair. I was told I had a very good case, and the representative, Monica Fisher, promised in writing to refund the mone if she was unable to recover any money from USAA Insurnce Company.
She was unable to recover any money, and on June 18 sent me an email that she would refund the $275. I have contacted her on two occasions via phone an email. She has not responded to me since June 18.
Don't waste your time with Autoloss. They give the impression that you will get a huge settlement and a lot out of them-until you pay them. After that, I'm pretty sure their policy is to give you the absolute minimum amount of their time as possible-if you get a full 20 minutes out of them, you're probably way above average. Claimed my DV was $7000 and I should get 80-90% of that. But using Autoloss DV manual and correspondence they provide, resulted in an offer no better than $750. And this was over the course of at least 3 months. Of course, Autoloss heavily implies that I'm doing something wrong with Their process - it absolutely isn't anything wrong with their method. Yeah, right! It isn't like they take the time to even remember who you are when you talk to or email them. All you get it very generic responses that really just prolong the frustrating process to get you a tiny offer, that the insurance company hopes will be enough to make you go away. The letters they give you to send to the insurance company are full of errors and contain the details from the last customer - it is absolutely on you to edit & fix these things. Autoloss provides zero communication with the Insurance company. That is all on you and you will absolutely work harder on it than Autoloss will. I have no idea how they have even a single positive review and I wish I would have paid more attention to the the negative reviews before I decided to use their services. Absolutely pursue a DV claim on your car. Just use a company that has Zero negative reviews. They are out there.