Vicki williams aka victoria williams, her and her husband terry williams use the ati charity as a front to help her acting career. They lie so much, she even tells people she is on the real housewives of beverly hills. She has an imdb account saying she’s on this show and others.
Her husband terry williams and her buy her into parties and events on company and personal credit cards and after the events the reverse all the fees. She takes pictures with celebrities and posts them and she’s says they are good friends. She has even told janice dickinson she is a super model! do not do business with her or her husband unless you take cash they will reverse the charges. Her husband continually cheats on her. They are bad people and scammers.
Vicki Williams Aka Victoria Williams, her and her husband use the ATI Charity as a front to help her acting career. They lie so much, she even tells people she is on the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills. She has an IMDb account saying she’s on this show and others. See link
Her husband Terry Williams and her buy her into parties and events on company and personal credit cards and after the events the reverse all the fees. She takes pictures with celebrities and posts them and she’s says they are good friends. She has even told Janice Dickinson she is a super model! Do not do business with her or her husband unless you take cash they will reverse the charges. Her husband continually cheats on her. They are bad people and scammers.
ATI Foundation Reviews
Vicki williams aka victoria williams, her and her husband terry williams use the ati charity as a front to help her acting career. They lie so much, she even tells people she is on the real housewives of beverly hills. She has an imdb account saying she’s on this show and others.
Her husband terry williams and her buy her into parties and events on company and personal credit cards and after the events the reverse all the fees. She takes pictures with celebrities and posts them and she’s says they are good friends. She has even told janice dickinson she is a super model! do not do business with her or her husband unless you take cash they will reverse the charges. Her husband continually cheats on her. They are bad people and scammers.
I know many people who have been duped by Victoria Williams.
Vicki Williams Aka Victoria Williams, her and her husband use the ATI Charity as a front to help her acting career. They lie so much, she even tells people she is on the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills. She has an IMDb account saying she’s on this show and others. See link
Her husband Terry Williams and her buy her into parties and events on company and personal credit cards and after the events the reverse all the fees. She takes pictures with celebrities and posts them and she’s says they are good friends. She has even told Janice Dickinson she is a super model! Do not do business with her or her husband unless you take cash they will reverse the charges. Her husband continually cheats on her. They are bad people and scammers.