Ashley Vaughn and Joseph Duesler ski[pped out the day before rent was due leaving their place trashed, with broken glass and garbage everywhere. They are low-life not be fooled by her cute looks or his seemingly nice demeanor. They are immature scumbags who will damage your property and bail on their lease. They QUIT every job they ever get and their family is just as bad....staright convict looking dad. NO HONOR, NO FUTURE, NO GOOD Losers!!!
Ashley Vaughn and Joseph Duesler Reviews
Ashley Vaughn and Joseph Duesler ski[pped out the day before rent was due leaving their place trashed, with broken glass and garbage everywhere. They are low-life not be fooled by her cute looks or his seemingly nice demeanor. They are immature scumbags who will damage your property and bail on their lease. They QUIT every job they ever get and their family is just as bad....staright convict looking dad. NO HONOR, NO FUTURE, NO GOOD Losers!!!