Arraginment finders is a complete scam. Do not waste your money. Fake one photo profiles. Site is INFESTED with scam artists. Messeages are fake or bait ans switch. This is NOT a relaible sugar daddy website!
The "real" girls are a complete joke!!! Who the hell are these women to think a man wants to buy them dinner and bang them let alone sugar daddy with them???
Get rea!l!! Do these women honestly think they are worthy for ANY rich man no matter how old let alone an attractive young rich man???? My My how pornografy fake facebook photoshopo and an oversupply of guys who will put it in anything .. has made American women DELUSIONAL
Fatties fuglies homelies and Miss average cows abound! The "good looking" women are fake OR professional escorts looking to turn tricks. It's absolutly a bait and switch. If you want an escort save your money for the real thing! if you want an average mooing cow go to the club two hours before closing and drink a 12 pack.
Mooooooooooooo!!!!!!! Moooooooooooooo!!!! I'm average and deserve a rich man ! Moooooo!!! MOOOOOOOO!!!!
GTFO you HOMELY Miss average Fives and cows !!! Go see a shrink you are all totally delusional !
Your subscription will be automatically renewed on [] December, 2016.
You have 100 credits remaining.
To cancel your recurring subscription, please call 1-866-678-3765 Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm EST at least 3 business days before your scheduled automatic renewal. <-- because they don't offer you to cancel it electronically.
Alternatively, if you would like to keep your subscription but hide your profile so it cannot be viewed or searched for, click on the link below to change your privacy settings.
447 SafeNames Ltd. Accredited
The person who created the site used a company, presumabley based in the British Virgin Islands to register the DNS entry for the website.
Arrangement Finders Reviews
Arraginment finders is a complete scam. Do not waste your money. Fake one photo profiles. Site is INFESTED with scam artists. Messeages are fake or bait ans switch. This is NOT a relaible sugar daddy website!
The "real" girls are a complete joke!!! Who the hell are these women to think a man wants to buy them dinner and bang them let alone sugar daddy with them???
Get rea!l!! Do these women honestly think they are worthy for ANY rich man no matter how old let alone an attractive young rich man???? My My how pornografy fake facebook photoshopo and an oversupply of guys who will put it in anything .. has made American women DELUSIONAL
Fatties fuglies homelies and Miss average cows abound! The "good looking" women are fake OR professional escorts looking to turn tricks. It's absolutly a bait and switch. If you want an escort save your money for the real thing! if you want an average mooing cow go to the club two hours before closing and drink a 12 pack.
Mooooooooooooo!!!!!!! Moooooooooooooo!!!! I'm average and deserve a rich man ! Moooooo!!! MOOOOOOOO!!!!
GTFO you HOMELY Miss average Fives and cows !!! Go see a shrink you are all totally delusional !
shitty site
447 SafeNames Ltd. Accredited
Your current subscription level is Premium
Your subscription will be automatically renewed on [] December, 2016.
You have 100 credits remaining.
To cancel your recurring subscription, please call 1-866-678-3765 Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm EST at least 3 business days before your scheduled automatic renewal. <-- because they don't offer you to cancel it electronically.
Alternatively, if you would like to keep your subscription but hide your profile so it cannot be viewed or searched for, click on the link below to change your privacy settings.
447 SafeNames Ltd. Accredited
The person who created the site used a company, presumabley based in the British Virgin Islands to register the DNS entry for the website.