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Apartment Finder

Country United States
State Alabama
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Address 1331 L Street, NW

Apartment Finder Reviews

  • Dec 23, 2022

On 04.19.2022 Melissa Savage called Phoenix PD after she had insulted my mother insulted myself and my brother and kept repeating it. So I retorted a insult to her at which point she grabbed the keys to her car sat inside the vehicle while she was messaging and texting people and called the police on me. This is not out of the ordinary with Melissa as she had done this thing several times before. Knowing that it caused me severe stress and anxiety and only to do so to be spiteful and understanding that the police because she's a woman and also white with more than likely come to her aid without asking questions. She had done this to me before and had my weapons removed however the one weapon of mind when she told the cops that she thinks it was hers they had offered to leave it with her which I felt kind of a contradiction. If a weapons not supposed to be in the house because they are afraid that it could be used then why offer my weapon to this person who's calling the police on me. I immediately began moving my stuff out of the apartment because I already knew what was coming. To give a little history on this I met Melissa and June of 2019 after being introduced to her by a neighbor of mine diana. Diana portrayed her to be a good Christian woman and a good heart and all of that. When I met her we went bowling and it seemed like we got along quite well we both bold equally 8181. After a time I began to allow Melissa closer to me as I was getting over the heartbreak of a relationship that was really bad. The breakup was very detrimental and catastrophic. About September I started noticing a change in Melissa coinciding with her father's arrival. Where once we used to talk all the time she used to come over she was now distant always sleeping always napping very rude very mean and very indifferent also forgetful of dates and times. We had gone to cheesecake factory where I met her friends one of them in particular Carlos the interaction between the two of them seems one of familiarity. When we were leaving the restaurant Carlos opens the door for me and he did a curtsy. Which I found to be quite unusual for a man to do that to another man who he did not know.

After catching Melissa and a lie when she had said she was going over to a female's house a friend of hers to borrow money when in fact she had been messaging Carlos and the interaction between the two of them again said one of familiarity. So I first asked her what was the dynamic between her and Carlos and she said they were just friends however bringing up the facts as I did she then revealed the truth to me. Did they had committed marriage fraud that fraudulent marriage for him to gain US citizenship so he could bring his true wife over from mexico.

After this the relationship began going downhill. She seemed to spend more time with her father when she did with me. But it wasn't until she had called me one early morning frantic because they were being evicted from her apartment and she was going to take a check and fraudulently alter it so she can keep a roof over her dad's head for a month. Mind you her father does not live in Phoenix Arizona he lives in Michigan and he owns a home there however he comes to Phoenix Arizona 8 months out of the year and when he is here he spends the entire time with his daughter. No friends no girlfriends he spends an entire time with his daughter there together side by side everyday the only time they are apart is when she's working but when they are together they carry on as if they are in a relationship. When I told her that this would cause her to be going to jail if they should gets caught she said she didn't care. Quite a bizarre reaction with her father could have simply gone home. In January of 2020 again being evicted out their second place after going from hotel to hotel and sleeping in the same bed together. She said her dad had gone to California to go see a sister of his which I thought was odd given the fact that she's got fibromyalgia and there's all this stuff to move she asked me to take a day off it from my job at the State hospital to help her out and she was compensate me for that time. So I did so I helped to move all the stuff out put it into storage but there are some few belongings there like furniture that was large that we did not get out because it was so late. On February 2nd 2020 super bowl Sunday at about 3:00 a.m. in the morning 3:30 a.m. she suddenly bolts up out of a sleep grabs four washcloths a pair of panties and a pair of socks slides it into her backpack and then lays down and goes back to sleep. Remembered to do something. She got up about 5:30 that morning which was also quite unusual and said she had to go babysit her nanny job which was under scrutiny by me anyway given the indiscrepancies and what she was doing and what I found including large sums of payment from the same people she was supposedly babysitting for one in cash for $800 and then there were two checks that were written in the sum of about 600 to $700. All in one week.

When she got up she asked me if I had to use the restroom which I told her I did but I pretended to use the restroom and she sat on the corner of my bed with her back towards me. I flush the toilet and I turned on the sink so she would think I was washing my hands and I walked behind her and at the last minute she saw me and she jumps and she pushed her phone face down I didn't say anything to her as she got her shower and got ready to go and before the sun had even come up she was gone. I heard from her once in about 10:30 which is usually the normal time before she goes and she asked me something about her laptop or her tablet that she had and then after that I heard nothing from her until about 4:15 p.m. where she called me and said she was leaving the place that she was nannying at and she was going to go to her old apartment and then after that after checking the apartment making sure everything was okay she checked the mail then she'd be on her way to my place. I Google maps where she was coming from and then where she was going to her old apartment and that was 36 minutes. From her apartment to my place was additional 26 minutes. We talked on the phone from 4:15 till about 4:36 when she said she was almost to the first place. And at 4:46 p.m. she called me to say she was down the road she had got this drive through to get sodas at McDonald's and she'd be at my place in a minute. I knew then at that point there was a lie at play here. Would you walk into the door I did not greet her as I normally did cuz I was quite upset because I know that there's no way she could have made those legs of journey in that short amount of time. And the first thing she says to me is well it's nice to be home I'm glad you're happy to see me which is a retorted sarcasm and that's what began this model of events which I got upset.

When I asked her about the discrepancy she first went on to say that Google maps had screwed up. That I was lying. Then she went on to insult my driving saying that I drive like a grandmother but she drove a Dodge dart. When I brought up the obvious facts to her that there's no way she could have made this leg of journey and that short amount of time she refused to tell me the truth this went on for 14 hours in that time she said the most horrible things to me but at one point she said okay I will tell you the truth. With her eyes closed laying on the bed and nodding her head per word. She said I was going to stay but I felt bad so I decided to come back like it was scripted like she was trying to remember what she was told. When I asked her where she was she said that's none of your business. Again she would say well I'll tell you the truth I was going to stay but I felt guilty so I decided to come back she said I sat in the car for 15 minutes thinking about it but I felt guilty. But she refused to tell me where she was and what she felt guilty about.

After 14 hours she bolts from my house barefooted leaving all her possessions behind doesn't take her purse doesn't take her keys and leaves. The police did show up and after me talking to them showing the amount of time my mom had been on the phone with me and proving that she was never in any danger that I actually wanted her to go they suggested I get an order of protection on her. But haven't gone through orders of protection already and the dealing with that and not liking dealing with the courts I did not want to go down that route because she didn't do anything to physically hurt me I wasn't in any physical danger and I wasn't going to do the same thing that was done to me over nothing. What is the protection for people who have been abused and are an imminent danger however the State of Arizona loves to just hand them out like candy to any old person who asked.

It took about a day for me to get my mind and order again after this ordeal as it is severely traumatized and triggered me from the complex trauma and PTSD that I suffer from. I decided to start going through her car and through her belongings and I found things that were quite alarming. To begin with I found a men's shaving kit underneath her seat a full men's shaving kit I found men's clothing. I looked at receipt to her car and I found receipts for food items as well as restaurants and fast food places she gone to it hours of the morning when she acclaimed to be asleep however these were not meals for one they were meals for two and furthermore they were foods that she did not eat as she is an extremely picky eater and she basically lives off of cereal and sugars. She does not eat meat other than chicken and it has to be a specific type of chicken all the grocery list for items that she does not eat. Think she's just not consumed. In addition I found a lot ofelectronic equipment recording equipment and USBS when I tried to access it on her phone I wasn't able to at first but then when I did it again someone had remotely accessed the phone and change the passwords. After 2 days of being at home not knowing where she was and trying to call around and speaking to her sister her sister said that she was in the intensive Care unit because of what I had done to her. And asking her what exactly I did she proceeds to tell me that I had assaulted her and pulled her hair out and hurt her neck. That her father was now there or in route from California. When I asked her again what hospital she was at she do not tell me what hospital she was at North any details about the supposed injuries but then said that her father was there at the hospital when I asked her wait a minute I thought your dad was in California she hung up the phone on me and proceeded to block me and then communicate with me any further. When I return to work that Wednesday I had gone through briefing I got into my station when I get a call from my neighbor telling me that somebody was breaking into my place. I went and turned in my keys jumped in the vehicle got on the phone with Phoenix PD and they were in route as I was in route. When I get to my place I observed that the locks have been drilled out. We're trying to make entry I could not make entry because of the damage that was done to the doorknob the police were outside trying to get this person to come out but they were not coming out. Phoenix PD eventually left and I was able to with a tool open up the front door as I did so I heard the door to my room closed when I made entry in there I heard the door to my bathroom clothes. She was on the phone with the Phoenix PD claiming that I was holding her hostage and not letting her go and stole her things. Being speedy did show up and they allowed her to go. And again she disappeared but the ironic thing was she only took her electronics only things that were able to identify exactly what was going on. Melissa kind of floated from here and there it turned out she was staying at a friend who's down the roads place but they had lied to me. When I've gone by there and to inquire about it. but I don't give up I started trying to make reports to the police trying to figure out who it was that drilled the locks I found out that locksmiths do not drill into people's property because they could lose their license but she refused to tell me exactly who had drilled these holes into my locks. The owner of the property who had cameras on the outside access them but could not see clearly because the cameras only recorded in special moments so they were separated by a few minutes so they did not catch who it was that drilled these locks. I turned the evidence over to Phoenix PD's detectives but there was not much that they could do with it. I was very upset when I went to go talk to the property manager over at the place that she was hiding out at I ran into her friend who before was very cordial but seemed very nervous very shifty-eyed saying she needed to go and I told her to calm down it was just me but she was scared she started shaking. I said okay well I'll talk to her she runs full force back towards her apartment which is very odd Melissa eventually came back briefly but in that time when I'm going through her phone I found conversations between her Diana this friend of hers other people and a guy she claimed was her bosses grandfather who's coming to visit the granddaughter named Michael all of them have any discussion about me how to throw me under the bus get orders of protection and Diana who claimed to not know anything about Melissa's whereabouts was part of this conversation and she called me crazy. Melissa fained and faked being abused so she got into a woman shelter and there she ran her mouth about me about anyone to anyone who would listen one of those people were brenda. Melissa developed a friendship with this woman that was quite odd to say the least and in 2020 later that year after losing my job at Arizona State hospital which I'll be making a report about that too as well under very fraudulent conditions I found myself homeless and in the situation with somebody who is not good who is abusive physically. And so after she hit me and contacting my mom they contacted Melissa and Melissa offered to let me stay with her. At Colonia apartments where I had lived from 2016 to 2017.

When I was there Melissa had fell in sick I had fallen sick as well for 11 days when I was feeling better I'd asked her for her friend Brenda's number because I knew some people that could help her get a jobs and transportation. When I contacted her friend at first she was nice but then she realized who it was she began being very belligerent very aggressive. Asking me where Melissa was telling me she was going to tell Melissa and I told her that that's fine I got in the number from Melissa and that Melissa was right here she said she was going to call the police on me I told her I said for her to calm down and silence the chattering monkeys this woman comes over and bangs on our door for 15 minutes straight and Melissa refused to answer the door or talk to her. Which I thought was quite odd after opening the door the woman was a very crazy crazy look in her eye spends her finger around her head and says I guess I don't have monkey brains after all. And I'm looking at her rather shocked at this woman's reaction giving up had no interaction with her given that she was very cordial the first time I met her and she proceeds to say she's going to be calling Melissa's dad to let her know to let him know that Melissa was in some kind of danger I told Melissa to go to the door and speak to her let her know she was fine but Melissa refused to do this. At my time at colonial apartments prior to the night Melissa called the police on me I've been harassed from the property manager who I one time was good friends with harassed by her family harassed by her sisters called a tweaker called crazy called insane accused of committing domestic violence and a felony when I presented to them the the certificates and licenses that I have clearly stating that I would not be in possession of days had I been guilty of any sort of crime the woman proceeds to March over upstairs bang on the door and cussing me out telling me not to message her on her days off. There was nothing but intense hostility which only became worse after I was fraudulently evicted from my apartment in November of 2021 and found myself again under Melissa's control.

Listen love to walk around and tell the neighbors how she was taking care of it veteran and a homeless veteran and all that try to make herself appear to be some sort of angel of Hope and mercy but the fact is Melissa was quite an abuser she would use the situation that I was in as means of control and manipulation because of her mental disorders and her unhealthy relationship with her father and the fact she had no control in her life because he dominated every aspect of her life for so long that she took it out on me instead of doing what she needed to do by turning him into the law. Is mad manipulated her and comes to find out he manipulated her and everything that she did. I would like to note one thing here before I continue. In the summer of 2020 I had spoken to agent Luna with the FBI after I made the report about the fraudulent marriage and something he said to me that he said to me earlier this year when I spoke to him again was this. He said do you think it's possible that Melissa could have gone to Vegas committed a fraudulent marriage had a ceremony and continue this project marriage for 5 years without her father knowing given the fact that they are so close in the dynamic of their relationship. Earlier this year and speaking to him again he interrupted me and said let me ask you the same question that I asked you back in 2020. If Melissa was running around prostituting and doing all this stuff is it possible that her father might know given the closest of their relationship and the fact he keeps such tight control of her. And then the light bulb went off and he said yes he said I'm in the immigration's division not in the sexual violence division. So evidently the FBI is very fully aware of Melissa's activities however they believe that her father is the one who's truly behind it she's been raped several times at times when her father was here in town yet none of these people have been ever brought to Justice these people had somehow had access to her apartment through a key had entered and raped her. And talking to some others this is a means of control they were saying but her father to allow this thing to happen to keep her in line. Revisiting this at the end of this I will tie it in and this is I believe exactly who was behind her calling the police on me.

That night of April 19th when the police showed up they weren't the normal police I was used to dealing with at first I did not want to talk to them because she had done this so many times and I felt they had not done their job in protecting me from orders of protection and other things by people who did not need their help so I was kind of bitter towards them however I did comply as I do not argue with the police and I do respect their positions. Rather large in stature who didn't say anything at all he was completely quiet he only moved when I moved in direction that I moved but he said nothing at all he was focused. I was talking to them and asking them about police work how they liked it just trying to make small talk as I'm not intimidated by the police at all. But I do respect their position. There was a there was a female officer who had been killed in the line of duty and the way in which she was killed was rather brutal and it had upset me so I was asking them questions about that but they said they didn't know what I was talking about and I thought why the dishonesty. The female police officer however calls out from the dark and says sir, do you have any weapons are you armed? I'm so glad I did not reach down and pull up my sweatshirt because I had the presence of mind to think to myself why is this person asking this question 15 or 20 minutes after they've been on site knowing that I have a backpack knowing that I have a loose fitting sweatshirt on and they should have patted me down and asked this question when they first came on site but they didn't. When I said I do not I don't have weapons cuz I can't have them because of this fraudulent order of protection she said what you're talking about killing cops and body armor. At which point I turn to the two male officers who were standing directly in front of me and I said I didn't say anything like that I said I didn't say that but they were completely silent staring at me. That is when my training kicked in you see unlike them I have a specialized training and a set of skills that made me very valuable in other words as long as I'm not armed they cannot draw down on me as long as I'm not drawing down on them they cannot draw down on me and I'm very well aware of this and I don't care how big a person is the questions can you handle yourself. My training kicked in my adrenaline rushed and my ears went back as I started to observe. Observing the fact that the lights that were normally on in that unit excuse me in that area there of the parking lot were off observing that the camera above the door that would be facing recording this was not on the red light as normally on at night showing recording was off. the officer stands with one leg slightly backwards meaning he was right-handed with his side turned almost sideways was prepared to draw down his weapon I was observing the stances observing their body language and these men were focused in particular the one who is instructed to keep his eye on me. At one point Melissa called out in the dark she called out my name with a tone that felt guilty but the female officer had taken control of that situation told her to stamp against the wall I felt my life was an imminent danger and I knew whatever I did I keep my hands in sight at all times don't reach for anything in my pocket don't touch my vape keep my fingers interlocked behind my head unless a reaching for my phone where they clearly saw it was at. I thought my life was an imminent danger and that if I made the wrong move I would be shot and killed. My brother did arrive on scene after 45 minutes I was able to start loading the things up at one point Melissa's father returned now let me tell you something about this man he's habitual by nature down to the very detail. He does the same thing every day the same time every day he does the same things every week goes to the same restaurants you name it. He's so habitual by nature he's predictable. This was a Tuesday night he is supposedly gone to the movies shortly before Melissa pulled her stunt. However he only goes to the movies on wednesdays. Because he is old and he gets cold easily he wears pants all the time however he was wearing shorts. He also carries a cup with him but she carries with him religiously a specific cup that he uses to fill up for sodas this cup was not in his possession it was in the apartment. In addition any normal person rolling up on that scene would be concerned concerned about me concerned about his daughter and concerned about what he was saying however this man did not have any concern whatsoever as if he knew what was going on. He simply walked by without making eye contact to me said good evening to the officers walks in the apartment and locks the door.

I've been making a lot of noise about the conditions of that apartment and I will attach these pictures and documentation with this report. The black mold The leaky faucets the lack of proper running hot water the dishwasher that was into portable condition and a threat to fire the black mold the insects the cockroaches you name it and they refuse to do any fix-ups because I was there. Melissa was not honest with me as I come to find out about what she was saying and what she was really doing but the end result was that these people refuse to fix things up as long as I was there and because of my health conditions they knew they could not legally put me on the streets however they could coerce Melissa put her up to it pay her or otherwise to cause her to do what she did with her father also involved because he was jealous of me because the fact of the matter is simply this he has been sleeping with his daughter for many years. In fact a lot in some law enforcement circles they believe that her niece is actually her daughter and illegitimate child born to her by her father raping her.

However law enforcement will not get involved unless she herself comes forward. After being suddenly put on the street and my life being in danger from the conditions that I have they surprisingly made all the fix-ups in the apartment change the locks on that apartment only and Melissa proceeded to later on slip out after not completing her full year of tenant landlord contract and has disappeared. I believe that not only Melissa was involved because the text messages that had gone back and forth between my brother and her for 7 months. My brother's partly to blame himself for the allowing the slander and the defamation of my name for allowing this to happen instead of coming to me from the beginning for believing somebody who is a lie even though he had never met this person and in looking at these text messages the few that he did give me I can clearly see there are two different people contacting him the contact always happened on Friday and Saturday some Sundays but the majority of them were Fridays Melissa was off Friday Saturday and Sunday throughout the week there would be no contact but every Friday it would start up again with some heinous lie or accusation of something that I did not do. I am very angry with my brother as well because if he had come to me from the beginning at the very least would have known I was amongst enemies and not friends. I believe the property manager along with the property manager's mother Brenda and her sisters were involved in this as well. I believe the the intention was to have the Phoenix PD kill me because they think that I'm crazy or they think that I am not able to control myself. The night before this event Melissa had attacked me jumping off the toilet calling me a n****r because she was angry that the neighbor said come to me after I got back from El Paso because it hurt something that made them quite Disturbed especially more so when they found it was her father she wanted me to go correct that situation I wasn't going to do that but when she attacked me she scratched me she immediately went to her go-to which was calling the police to try to hurt me. But when I mentioned her that there's no climb against me talking but there's a crime against her scratching she hung up the phone and did not call them however she did care in a conversation with her father and the part that I heard was simply this. Well try to trigger him tomorrow maybe the police will take care of the problem for us now grab your bed and go land the living room and wait for Daddy to get home. End report. An investigation needs to be done but first and foremost someone needs to take this situation seriously as I reported it to the attorney general's office and because of the whatever bracket it falls under what they investigate they're not going to investigate it I reported it to the better Business bureau but this business refused to respond so now I'm reaching out to here and I'm going to reach out to other websites hoping that this will get to somebody who can help get something done about this situation because not only where my civil rights violated my rights as a veteran were violated my humanitarian rights of violated knowing that I am suffering and in physical pain as we speak right now not able to walk because of being stuck in this vehicle all the time at a sitting position with my blood clots and all that situation knowing what they were doing fully meditated and it had the audacity to have the police arrive when they knew they should have called the crisis center if I was having a crisis current instructions. This was a clearly premeditated orchestrated plot that was put into place practically from the moment she allowed me to move in with her by inviting me to stay in November of 2021 I am absolutely angry absolutely livid I'm not going to go to attorney because I don't have money for an attorney and I'm not going to waste my time I need somebody to seriously take a look at this and to help me because as you can read from the other reports I've made I have separate severe Injustice and law has been broken and I've been the victim of this and I've gotten no help. So I'm reaching out to this website which I've heard about in days past but I wish I'd known about you a long time ago when a lot of the stuff was happening in real time. Thank you for taking the time to read this whoever has and gotten to the end of it and if any help you can give me I don't want advice I need help but any advice you can give me as well that would point me in the right direction to get that Justice and help we greatly be appreciated please see the attached documents and again thank you.

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