This individual Anthony Bell is posting ads on craigslist and other websites for forex, crypto currency investment management and trading services. This guy is a liar, fraudster, manipulator, con artist, thief and a scammer. He took $700 of my hard earned money and refuses to give it back to me ignoring my calls, texts and emails.
Do not engage in any business dealings with this man or else you will be sorry. If you too have be scammed by this POS scumbag con artist, contact your local police department file a report and take him to court to get your money back!!!
P.S. He uses Coinbase, Paypal, western union and money gram, libertyX,Vemno, Cash App, Zelle, etc. Contact the customer service departments of any of the services you have used to send him money, report him to get his accounts shut down immediately.
Anthony Bell Reviews
This individual Anthony Bell is posting ads on craigslist and other websites for forex, crypto currency investment management and trading services. This guy is a liar, fraudster, manipulator, con artist, thief and a scammer. He took $700 of my hard earned money and refuses to give it back to me ignoring my calls, texts and emails.
Do not engage in any business dealings with this man or else you will be sorry. If you too have be scammed by this POS scumbag con artist, contact your local police department file a report and take him to court to get your money back!!!
P.S. He uses Coinbase, Paypal, western union and money gram, libertyX,Vemno, Cash App, Zelle, etc. Contact the customer service departments of any of the services you have used to send him money, report him to get his accounts shut down immediately.