Salutation to all those who suffer from Alzheimer’s/ Dimentia , you are not forgotten . Your life is valuable.
Upon seeing many friends on FB, donating to Alzheimer’s Assosiation , I decided to inquire what their services were.
Apparently it is a hotline that just gives information out to individuals that are already going through a very hard time and need immediate assistance. They then direct the public to multiple umbrellas of nonprofits, all claiming to raise money to END Alzheimer’s.
Anyone who knows of this disease knows that there is no End to it. It slowly deteriotes the individual towards their grave .
They do not help individuals with any care. They are money raising humanoids . Robotic , repetitive and collect their information directly from the public’s most vulnerable ,personal and private stories and add your stories to their archives.
Alzheimer's Association Reviews
Salutation to all those who suffer from Alzheimer’s/ Dimentia , you are not forgotten . Your life is valuable.
Upon seeing many friends on FB, donating to Alzheimer’s Assosiation , I decided to inquire what their services were.
Apparently it is a hotline that just gives information out to individuals that are already going through a very hard time and need immediate assistance. They then direct the public to multiple umbrellas of nonprofits, all claiming to raise money to END Alzheimer’s.
Anyone who knows of this disease knows that there is no End to it. It slowly deteriotes the individual towards their grave .
They do not help individuals with any care. They are money raising humanoids . Robotic , repetitive and collect their information directly from the public’s most vulnerable ,personal and private stories and add your stories to their archives.
They do not offer a cure .