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Alpha Resources Management, Inc.

Country Canada
City Toronto, Ontario

Alpha Resources Management, Inc. Reviews

  • Apr 17, 2023

Ever heard of extortion via posting false information on the internet that could ruin your life for years? It could happen to you. Years ago I got some investors to back me a very dangerous project in Iraq, these investors where Mike Hepworth, Rick Brown, Basil Botha, Raul Sanabria and they are involved with the following companies Alpha Resources Management, Inc., Northern Iron Corp., Condor Precious Metals, Firesteel Resources Ltd., G4G Resources and Hepworth + Co. These gentlemen backed my trip to Iraq and I went risking my life saving money by not having much security and driving all over Iraq for a month signing MOU's on getting the rights to develop giant oil fields there.

When I came back and gave them the go forward budget they wanted their money back because it was too high and said if I did not give it to them immediately they would do an internet media blitz to destroy my life unless I paid them. Since I was supporting an operation in Iraq I could not pay them back as fast as they wanted so they made false claims and posted them on the internet. They went so far as to create virtual woman to say thing to destroy my personal life all of which worked.

These false postings destroyed my business and our financial situation so much so when the mother of my future wife to be got terminal cancer I would not save her life with urgent treatments because of these gentlemen destroying my finances. How low can people go for the sake of money? But even after two years when I travel the world trying to do business or make new friends they always Google me and these false posting come up and it destroys everything and I get hurtful messages saying I am a "scammer".

The irony is that I risked my life and the life of my associates going through war zones to feed the greed of these gentlemen but it was not good enough to they tried extortion via fraudulent statements. They are being sued and will pay for all this damage when the facts come out in court. But to this day everyone believes this fraud that they have posted and one cannot get it removed without huge court costs. What is the world coming too? They have cleverly done this by using my name of William Divine, William Devine and my company Concession International, Inc. God help us all if this is what is allowed on the internet.

People do not what to do business with me is because they googled my name and found some bad things but they do not take it a bit further and find out if it is true or not. Right after Brad Griffiths, the Tyab brothers and I created Griffiths Energy which later became Caracal one of the most successful recent oil startups I was contacted by some Canadian mining guys who wanted me to do the same for them. I went to Iraq and risked my life on their behalf of these four individuals Mike Hepworth, Basil Botha, Raul Sanabria and Rick Brown. They financed my first trip there and I personally drove all over Iraq with little security in the middle of summer and I signed several agreements on some super giant oil fields on their behalf.

When I returned to the U.S. and gave them the go forward budget they felt the costs were too high they wanted out, I told them I will repay them even though I was not obligated to do so but they demanded all the money otherwise they would invent stories and smear me on the internet. This was five years ago and even though they just fabricated a bunch of nonsense and put it on the internet it has severally hurt my ability to do business and have a personal life.

I never thought anyone would stoop so low as to this and I have asked them to remove these postings for five years all in vain. If you know these individuals then I would ask you to encourage them to do the right thing and remove these posts. If you need to see additional details on this including a video of what happened please see:

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