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AllStar Animal Removal

Country United States
State Florida
City Petersburg
Address 4399 35th St N St.
Phone (727) 474-9058

AllStar Animal Removal Reviews

  • Oct 5, 2016
  • 1 2 3 4 5

We are extremely disappointed with your services. We paid $524.00 up front for 3 months service. Our mole and pocket gopher problem has gotten worse, not better during this period. Your techs have captured one pocket gopher in all this time. That equates to $524 for one gopher.

Additionally your services were misrepresented. You supposedly are available 24/7 when we have active gopher and moles. This has been far from the case during these 90 days. Your techs have been spotty to respond to our calls. Some times taking a week to 10 days before any response. The results of the sporadic visits have been totally ineffective.

In light of this we want our contract canceled as of 9-22-16. Do not bill our credit card for further services.

We would like a refund for half of our previous payment due to the misrepresentations and non-performance on the contract. That being a refund of $262.00.

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