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Allroundfix, LLC

Country United States
State Massachusetts
City Boston
Address 670 River St
Phone (800) 857-2303

Allroundfix, LLC Reviews

  • Dec 5, 2021
  • 1 2 3 4 5

Title: All Round Fix LLC are Hackers Pretending to be McAfee or Norton Tech Support.

During March of 2021 I logged in to McAfee “official” website to buy antivirus protection. Somehow the call got diverted to All Round Fix LLC. They claimed to be the tech support for McAfee to gain confidence. The woman on the phone pushed to sell one year of McAfee antivirus and 3 years of technical support for $599. A technician installed McAfee and I gave him access to my computer for him to fix any errors. I gave them access to my PC because I thought I was dealing with McAfee. The guy installed a link on my desktop (probably to access my PC remotely).

I never called them afterwards because I have three malware programs.

Eight months later on October 2021 All Round Fix LLC moved in for the kill and called me with the excuse that ‘they have observed some network abnormality’ and they needed to have access to my PC to check it out. He instructed me to go to the Task Bar and see that many of the programs have been disabled and “he” needed access to my PC to fix the problem. The guy said that fixing those problems was outside the scope of the $599 technical support that I bought and that I need to pay another $599 to fix it. I was on the phone with him as he wondered through my computer. I did not agree to pay the additional $599.

Suddenly the screen became all blue and I could not see what was going on… the hacker was actually downloading all my files! When he got to my bank login page he could not get in because, fortunately, I never saved the password to access my bank.

I quickly pulled the power cord from my PC and asked, “So, you are the hacker!” “Yes, I am the hacker and I already got everything that I need, he replied”

By the way, after the hacking the link that they put on the desktop disappeared alone with all my taxes, credit reports and all my files –– the crooks never called back again.

Obviously, I am not the only one that has been hacked by these crooks. Please see the many complains that have been filed with the BBB where All Round Fix LLC. pulled the same scam on other victims pretending to be the tech support for Norton.

All Round Fix LLC is using the LLC designation to give the appearance of being a legitimate business when indeed they are cyber criminals wolves in sheep’s clothes.

If you have been victimized by these cyber criminals, please report them to the FBI’s Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) at

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