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Allison Sales Co.

Country United States
State Arkansas
City Fort Smith
Address 7101 US-271
Phone 479-649-9989

Allison Sales Co. Reviews

  • Jan 19, 2017
  • 1 2 3 4 5

Allison sales Co is ran by two scam artist . chase Allison and his father Victor Allison . I entered into a contract with chase Allison for installation of medical flooring at the mercy hospital wound and hyperbaric center located at 7306 rodgers ave in ft smith arkansas. When it came time to pay the bill for services and labor I had rendered Chase Allison along with Paul Collins snuck into the building that same night I had submitted the billing and vandalized the work I had done . i have text messages directly from chase Allison stateing that he had in fact vandalized my work . he denied payment and went even further to file a claim with my insurance company for the vandelization that he in fact did to avoid payment . My insurance company is treating this as insurance fraud .

I am turning over that information to the local prosecutors office . hopefully these scam and con artist will be in probation very soon . [continued below]....

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  • 1 2 3 4 5