I was taking the medical assisting program part one that consist of 4 courses. I currently finished two classes and and have one payment left to pay consisting of a total of 1700.00 dollars. I called them to make a payment and totally pay my bill in full and i was told i had to complete my payoff because i was over my extention date and i could not be extended. So I agreed to pay my monthly bill as usuall thinking I could finish my course but they turned my program off.
I called a couple of days later asking them to turn it back on and they told me that they no longer have the program that it was an executive decision by the school to end it but i completed 2 of the 4 courses and when I pay my last payment i can get my 2 certificates on the classes that i completed.
so I payed 1700.-- for 2 books and that is it and it took 2 phone calls for them to tell me they no longer have the program. Not to mention the payments I sent in knowing they no longer had the program and i am now stuck with useless books. I realize they are a realestate company and apparently this was a trial run maybe with the medical courses but i wonder about all the other people taking medical classes that has paid their money. They didnt offer to repay me back for the classes i did not get but did tell me I had to pay my bill in full or i would loose my classes and i quote "I would loose that 1700.00 dollars and have nothing to show for it." Well I dont have anything to show for it.
Allied Business Schools, Inc. Reviews
I was taking the medical assisting program part one that consist of 4 courses. I currently finished two classes and and have one payment left to pay consisting of a total of 1700.00 dollars. I called them to make a payment and totally pay my bill in full and i was told i had to complete my payoff because i was over my extention date and i could not be extended. So I agreed to pay my monthly bill as usuall thinking I could finish my course but they turned my program off.
I called a couple of days later asking them to turn it back on and they told me that they no longer have the program that it was an executive decision by the school to end it but i completed 2 of the 4 courses and when I pay my last payment i can get my 2 certificates on the classes that i completed.
so I payed 1700.-- for 2 books and that is it and it took 2 phone calls for them to tell me they no longer have the program. Not to mention the payments I sent in knowing they no longer had the program and i am now stuck with useless books. I realize they are a realestate company and apparently this was a trial run maybe with the medical courses but i wonder about all the other people taking medical classes that has paid their money. They didnt offer to repay me back for the classes i did not get but did tell me I had to pay my bill in full or i would loose my classes and i quote "I would loose that 1700.00 dollars and have nothing to show for it." Well I dont have anything to show for it.