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Alex T Young

Country United States
State Arizona
City Tempe

Alex T Young Reviews

  • Aug 8, 2023

I'm thoroughly dismayed by ASU Professor Alex Young's conduct as a professor. He's shown a shocking level of hypocrisy by advocating free speech while actively censoring opposing viewpoints. His name-calling and attempts to undermine events he disagrees with are unacceptable for an educator

His misuse of his Twitter or now X platform to spread divisive messages is deeply disappointing. Labeling respected speakers as white supremacists based on flimsy references is an affront to academic integrity.

Moreover, his research lacks objectivity, particularly his portrayal of American Exceptionalism and frontier rhetoric, which promotes a troubling colonialist narrative. His exploitative approach to studying q***r literary and countercultural communities is equally concerning, as he seems to manipulate these subjects for personal gain rather than genuine academic contribution. This is not ok for the students he has in his class! Fire him.

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