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Alena Harmony

Country United States
State California
City Van Nuys
Address 14535 Gault Street
Phone (818) 481-8733

Alena Harmony Reviews

  • May 9, 2023

Alena Harmony is an HIV Infected prostitute who is posing as a massage therapist.

Alena Harmony, residing at: 14535 Gault Street in Van Nuys, California.

Alena Harmony has a "studio" inside her apartment, on the first floor, at: 14535 Gault Street in Van Nuys, California, where she frequently prostitutes and spreads her numerous sexually transmitted diseases such as Herpes 2


Hepatitis C


And sevral other sexually transmitted viruses.

There are no cures for viruses.

Alena Harmony also is a child sexual predator,

She makes a lot of money by trafficking children below the age of 10.

She trafficks helpless little children and puts them on the streets and in clubs to prostitute (Like herself) and make money for her. She then keeps all of the cash for herself.

Currently, she has one young son, approximately 6 years of age, by the name of Artsruna.

She also uses her little boy as a member of the childhood sex trafficling ring.

This woman, Alena Harmony, is not a verified licensed massage therapist. She simply poses as a massage therapist so that she can make quick cash by having unprotected sex and spreading her sexually tansmitted diseases to many other men, women, and even children.

Yes, Alena Harmony also has frequent sexual relations (She assaults) little children.

She preys on small children who she trafficks and imports from Russia, Indonesia, Ukrain, Armenia, and other countries.

Beware of Alena Harmony.

Alena HArmony acts as if she is a "reikei master" who "only wants to help people spiritually."

However, she is a complete sociopath who actively harms people and spreads incurable diseases to.

Beware when she attempts to pass herself off a s "licensed" massage therapist.


RATHER, SHE HAS OBTAINED FAKE ONLINE "certificates" in order to lie to, manipulate, and fool the public.

Alena Harmony is a very deranged, fake, harmful women.

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