DO NOT PURCHASE ANYTHING from the online store called ALBUM STOP ( They are a scam and a ripoff. My grandson really wanted a certain shirt from this store. It was on his Christmas List (he only had 4 items on his list). So I sucked it up and on Nov. 23 I spent $40 on the shirt he wanted. Delivery was to be in 1-2 weeks. Guess what? I still don't have it. Unfortunately, there is no phone #, only an email address.
I have attempted to reach them via email twice with no reply. Yesterday, I went to the website, put in my order # to track it, and now it says NO ORDER INFORMATION. Looking through the entire website, I did find an address in Clinton, CT where you would send a return. I was so pissed that I reported them to the Better Business Bureau and the Federal Trade Commission.
Check this out! The BBB replied to me and said they could not locate the company and that the address is FAKE!!! I have disputed the transaction with my bank, provided pictures of my receipt, my emails to the company, and the response from the BBB. They are reviewing and hopefully, I will get my money back.
Album Stop Reviews
DO NOT PURCHASE ANYTHING from the online store called ALBUM STOP ( They are a scam and a ripoff. My grandson really wanted a certain shirt from this store. It was on his Christmas List (he only had 4 items on his list). So I sucked it up and on Nov. 23 I spent $40 on the shirt he wanted. Delivery was to be in 1-2 weeks. Guess what? I still don't have it. Unfortunately, there is no phone #, only an email address.
I have attempted to reach them via email twice with no reply. Yesterday, I went to the website, put in my order # to track it, and now it says NO ORDER INFORMATION. Looking through the entire website, I did find an address in Clinton, CT where you would send a return. I was so pissed that I reported them to the Better Business Bureau and the Federal Trade Commission.
Check this out! The BBB replied to me and said they could not locate the company and that the address is FAKE!!! I have disputed the transaction with my bank, provided pictures of my receipt, my emails to the company, and the response from the BBB. They are reviewing and hopefully, I will get my money back.