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AJ Clarke Real Estate

Country United States
State New York
City New York
Address 250 W 57th Street | Suite 720
Phone 212.541.4477

AJ Clarke Real Estate Reviews

  • Jan 24, 2024

Hello last night i had a negative interaction with the building super of 339 east 9th St New York NY where he treated me like i was a criminal, mumuring insults of me to himself, and being rude and even waiting watching me for several minutes while the doors was left open maybe intentionally. He is not a people person and a resident identified him as a building super, and he owns the black bins outside so likely a super with key access. He works at night cleaning the property past 12 am and was intending to visit a tenant but he made the experience unsafe and unwelcoming and i almost got the police on him. Apparently it is known by residents how he is.

I later today then identified A. J. Clarke Management Corp. as the property owners and Ran Wide Associates Lp identified as lawyers involved as the transfer of the properties on 10/23/1998.

This building superintendant of the location is deffinitely not a people-person and not customer service oriented, and likely has a mental illness.

I highly suggest working with a cleaning company and hiring a building super through them so replacing staff as needed is not going to really affect them even if you have to sign this super under them to then ask for a new one. It is apparently known to residents this guy is causing issues and needs to be removed from the job.

All property management companies and property owners are encouraged to hire outside so if any issues were to happen with staff members and or residents and their visitors, changes can be made to replace staff as needed.

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