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Air Duct Busters Reviews
On July 6th I called Angies List and enrolled in the basic membership. I told her if she could recommed a reliable company to
clean my dryer vent. She recommended Air Dust Busters. The company had a $69.00 coupon deal. The offer must be
purchased through Angies List. I agreed and Paid the $69.00 deal with my debit card.
I called Air Duct Busters on July6th to set up appointment to have serviceman come to my home.
The office lady scheduled the air duct cleaning for July 21st between three and fiive p.m.
No serviceman showed up for the appointment. I called the company and told her no serviceman came to perform service.
She said she wouuld check into the service call and return my call.
After three days of no response from Air Duct Busters I called and found that their phone number had been
disconnected. I am due $69.00 from Angie's List.