I ordered, was charged and did not receive filter. I could not reach the company, email or chat. They have no phone number listed. The order made it to customs and never left customs. I had to file a dispute with my credit card company.
Their product, air purifier, is good but I ordered from Wayfair. Do not order anything directly from the company. Many emails and hours later, no response from the company that claims it will respond a few minutes (8-5 Eastern) Monday-Friday.
Afloia Reviews
I ordered, was charged and did not receive filter. I could not reach the company, email or chat. They have no phone number listed. The order made it to customs and never left customs. I had to file a dispute with my credit card company.
Their product, air purifier, is good but I ordered from Wayfair. Do not order anything directly from the company. Many emails and hours later, no response from the company that claims it will respond a few minutes (8-5 Eastern) Monday-Friday.