This seller sold me a radiator for $44. I know I probably shouldn't of bought such a cheap part but I figured they sold 300 of them supposedly. The very next day it was leakin from the seams. The aluminum is not pinched all the way around. They want me to spend $35 to return a $44 item for a replacement. I will be in it for $79 and still possibly end with the same poor quality part. Please please don't buy from this seller.
Affordable Radiators Reviews
This seller sold me a radiator for $44. I know I probably shouldn't of bought such a cheap part but I figured they sold 300 of them supposedly. The very next day it was leakin from the seams. The aluminum is not pinched all the way around. They want me to spend $35 to return a $44 item for a replacement. I will be in it for $79 and still possibly end with the same poor quality part. Please please don't buy from this seller.