The seller agreed on a price via Line App. We sent the amount of 2500 baht. They then delivered 1/2 the agreed product, saying there was a "price increase". Doesn't respond to requests for full delivery or refund. SCAM & dishonest seller. Don't buy whisky, don't buy pharmas (they're fake), and don't buy anything else from this seller. They are dishonest.
Adtaphon Kanj Reviews
The seller agreed on a price via Line App. We sent the amount of 2500 baht. They then delivered 1/2 the agreed product, saying there was a "price increase". Doesn't respond to requests for full delivery or refund. SCAM & dishonest seller. Don't buy whisky, don't buy pharmas (they're fake), and don't buy anything else from this seller. They are dishonest.