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Ace Dental Reviews
I have 2 Implants for tooth #5, and #12 , six months later I came back to get the molded crowns , tooth #12 is good
but #5 failed ( Dentist did not know that infected seriously in side )3 weeks later I came back for the crown on #12 ( Dentist still did not
know #5 was infected badly ) . 4 weeks later I come back for the Implant on tooth #21 ( At this time the Dentist found out that
the tooth #4 was infected badly by implant #5 . And dentist took out my tooth with out my consent ( He did not ask or telling me any
thing. )and about 3 weeks later I came back , because I did not feel good . and they find out that: the infection still there . So
they remove the implant and scrape off all of the infections and do the bone graft for tooth #3, #4, #5 . I went home 6 weeks later
I still not feel good at this area ,( At the point Dentist do the bone graft ). So I decided to go to the other Dental office .
Over here Dentist found out that the previous Dentist did not clean up the infections well . The infection still on the tooth #3, and #5
but he did the bone graft up on the infectons That why until now I still have the swellings . and set up the appointment with the newwer
Dentist to remove the bone graft and the infections on Agust, 15.