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  • Sep 2, 2020

Yes, I am a shooter, registered Republican voter, gun owner, retired, Viet Nam veteran, former competitive shooter, supporter of U.S. Second Amendment, Christian, and a law abiding, tax paying citizen concerned with the safety and welfare of others.

Yesterday, September 2, 2020, upon scanning the accurateshooterforum I happened upon a post by an individual from Maine, that claimed to have 1,200 pounds of smokeless powder and 200,000 primers stored in his residence in his basement. Title 25 of the Maine fire code classifies smokeless powder(commony referred to as a propellent) as an explosive. Title 25 limits possession of smokeless powder to 50 pounds in a residence. Title 25 also limits possession of primers to 10,000.

The amount stored is greatly in excess of that amount.

Upon reading that post, I suggested that the state fire marshal's office could be contacted to enforce any violations. Bragging, exageration and hurtful comments are common to accurateshooterforum. That individual clamed that the Maine state fire marshal, visiting as a guest, had knowledge of the 1,200 pounds of powder and 200,000 primers and had no problems with that amount.

My comment caused a tidal wave of responses including derogatory remarks concerning my age, refering to me as a part of body used for excretion, and promises should I visit that individual's residence as a guest, I would be "torn up" by a bull dog.

Eventually, the forum moderator took control, a Harvard Law School Graduate (HLS), class 1981 - "Hogpatrol". I was told by Hogpatrol (HLS) that I should not accuse other members of law violations. HLS apparently had no problems with the 1,200 pounds of gunpowder and 200,000 primers in this individuals basement, suggesting that local regulations permitted this storage. I questioned that and informed HLS that I would contact the Governor's Office, state of Maine to determine if that individual have any wavier for storage of 1,200 pounds of gun powder & 200,000 primers. I then sent Gov. Mills an email and received back an acknowledgement of receipt.

Suggesting that the state fire marsal be contacted to enforce any violation of an admitted action is not making a threat. The indivdual then proceeded to disparage that state fire code (defiance).

Keep in mind some 1,200 pounds of smokeless gun powder and 200,000 primers could produce some 200,000 rounds of 7.62X51 ammo. Why would any indivdual have a need for 200,000 rounds of ammo? Why would the state fire marshal not correct this violation of fire code. HLS responded by banning me from the forum - like end of discussion - go away. Apparently HLS does not want to discuss violations of fire code or common sense avoidance of storage of 1,200 pounds of gun powder and 200,000 primers in private residence.

Upon closing:

There is an admitted violation of the state fire code. It was suggested that the state fire marshal had knowledge of this violation and did nothing. The 1,200 pounds of powder and 200,000 primers could be used to mannfacture ammo for private sale. The individual possessing the 1,200 pounds of powder and 200,000 primers admits to violation of Title 25.

Later that individual informed me that he removed 1,050 pounds of powder and 190,000 primers to be incompliance with Title 25 and that I would look "stupid" should any inspection fail to find the 1,200 pounds of powder and 200,000 primers.

I will follow up by infoming "Rip Off Report" of any action from the Maine Governors office.

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