On the 8th of May, I received a letter from this agency telling me that this was "A FINAL DEMAND" for payment of a claim I had never seen. The Doctor they were trying to collect for, we had not been to in at least 15 years. I had tried to contact them by phone no less than a dozen times in the last couple of day but they do not answer theirt phone. The address on the letter was not even a correct address.
Although I have never received any threatening calls and this was the only letter I have ever seen, just the fact that they might report this to a credit bureau or worse is not right. Apparently this is this companies "M.O"
ABC Rapid Recovery Credit & Collections Reviews
On the 8th of May, I received a letter from this agency telling me that this was "A FINAL DEMAND" for payment of a claim I had never seen. The Doctor they were trying to collect for, we had not been to in at least 15 years. I had tried to contact them by phone no less than a dozen times in the last couple of day but they do not answer theirt phone. The address on the letter was not even a correct address.
Although I have never received any threatening calls and this was the only letter I have ever seen, just the fact that they might report this to a credit bureau or worse is not right. Apparently this is this companies "M.O"