We ordered tickets for my wife's birthday and our wedding anniversary. We were sent tickets via FedEx. We moved since we purchased the tickets and are unable to find the tickets. We we called and ask if we could receive an electronic ticket they said they called the seller and there was absolutely nothing at all they could do. I was told I should have ordered electronic tickets.
We are out hundreds of dollars with absolutely no help, no assistance, just...you're screwed. When I asked why aren't there huge disclaimers about receiving a physical tickets if this is the case. I was told in the fine print it says lost or stolen tickets will not be replaced.
I feel completely screwed and will never buy from this place again due to their poor customer service and inefficient process of offering zero assistance....it's just, "yea, sorry. Nothing we can do."
TicketNetwork, Inc. Reviews
We ordered tickets for my wife's birthday and our wedding anniversary. We were sent tickets via FedEx. We moved since we purchased the tickets and are unable to find the tickets. We we called and ask if we could receive an electronic ticket they said they called the seller and there was absolutely nothing at all they could do. I was told I should have ordered electronic tickets.
We are out hundreds of dollars with absolutely no help, no assistance, just...you're screwed. When I asked why aren't there huge disclaimers about receiving a physical tickets if this is the case. I was told in the fine print it says lost or stolen tickets will not be replaced.
I feel completely screwed and will never buy from this place again due to their poor customer service and inefficient process of offering zero assistance....it's just, "yea, sorry. Nothing we can do."