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Forrest Best Reviews
What I ordered:
Order #38867 confirmed
1x High Powered Waterproof Night Vision Binoculars for Hunting, Bird Watching, Navigation or Simply Enjoying Nature for $49.95 each
What I received:
Magnification:8x. 10x. 12x zoom regular binoculars.
This their explanation of "Night Vision":
This is a common misunderstanding as most people think of the green filtered
"movie-style" night vision. However, this is not the night vision
most binoculars under $500 are selling, which is that you can still see clearly
in the night if there's light on the object. If you look into the darkness you
are guaranteed to see darkness if that makes sense. It's
not going to show objects in a heat-mapping visual either (another incorrect
assumption that we get from watching movies). Just know that you have a really
advanced pair of binoculars, I hope you enjoy them.