This individual is trying to scam people who post online Craigslist advertisments for dating or romantic relationships. He/she is posing as Cynthia Dale and uses the story of her father being killed in the Ijegun pipeline explosion 2008 for sympathy and wastes your time. All of the messages are copy paste and poor grammar. Don't be fooled like I was for nearly two weeks! If its sounds to good to be true, it usually is.
Cynthia Dale Reviews
This individual is trying to scam people who post online Craigslist advertisments for dating or romantic relationships. He/she is posing as Cynthia Dale and uses the story of her father being killed in the Ijegun pipeline explosion 2008 for sympathy and wastes your time. All of the messages are copy paste and poor grammar. Don't be fooled like I was for nearly two weeks! If its sounds to good to be true, it usually is.